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Kaliakra- where the land enters far in the Black sea

Two legends

The first legend 

Hundreds of years ago, there were ottoman invaders across bulgarian land, including the cost of  the beautiful Bulgarian seaside and cape Kaliakra in particular. 

Ones 40 of the most beautiful girls have been captured with the shameful idea to be given as a reward to the most distinguished warriors for their bravery during the coming battle.

Even though the girls didn't know each other till then, the common evil fate brought them together as sisters. None of them wanted to be dishonored by the attackers.

Of course, they were afraid, but all of them bravely decided their fate - better death than defamation of their youth. They decided, so that neither of them would give up, to tie strongly their braids of strong beautiful hairs for each other. As the sun began to set in the west, they stood up. In the middle was the bravest and most beautiful girl. She took a step towards the window and the two rows fluttered like wings on either side of her. 

The forty maidens fell into the sea and perished in the waters reddened by the sunset, keeping their name and virginal honor pure.

Today as you lean over the high rocky ridge of Kaliakra cape above the sea, you will understand how it still keeps the blue color of the 40 young women's eyes. Also,  you will physically feel their firm determination to sucide rathar than to be disgraced.

The second legend

Saint Nicolas had been lived in a small cave 

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Varna's cathedral
Right at the heart of Varna city